Storied Arcs
Welcome to Storied Arcs! A read-along deep dive into comics, one story arc at a time...
In each episode, we will discuss one story arc, typically in the form of a trade paperback, for a completed comic series. In general, we will be avoiding ongoing or continuing series so that we can discuss a work in its entirety.
We’ll also be avoiding the “big two” (Marvel and DC.) While we love those comics, there are plenty of podcasts covering characters like Batman, Superman, Spiderman, and so on. Instead, we’re excited to explore some of the great creator-owned stories. We’ll deep dive into the story while evaluating the prose, art, and all the easter eggs we can find.
Learn more at www.storiedarcs.com
Storied Arcs
Time Before Time Volumes 05 & 06
"And when it comes down to it, really, time is all we have. And it doesn't matter how long you live if you're not spending it the way you want."
This week, Mike and Alex are here to wrap up their discussion of Time Before Time from Image Comics with Volumes 5 and 6 (issues #25-29 and #6, #12, #18, and #24). They start at the end (of the narrative, at least) and discuss how the story concludes, how it works for each of them as an ending, and whether the actual end of the story is issue #28 or #29. Then they dive into the one-shot stories that make up Volume 6 and examine them from all angles, from how those issues read and fit into the overall narrative when presented at the end of said narrative to if any of those stories would have been better served being more integrated into the main narrative. It's not easy to end a story, and with these one-shot issues collected at the end, Time Before Time presents an interesting discussion point in the single issue reading vs. trade reading debate. We're not going to tell you one way is better than another; we just want people to read as many comics however they can.
That brings another season of Storied Arcs to a close. We hope you enjoyed our look into Time Before Time, and be sure to join us again next week as we get ready to do it all again with another great comic!
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